Oi Polloi Oi Polloi - Commies And Nazis

I want to have a drink I want to have a laugh
I don't want no dodgy politics 'cos I ain't that daft
Don't need some nutter telling me what to do
I can think for myself and so can you
Commies and nazis they're all the same
They only want to use you for their own gain
They lie deceive and try to confuse you
Commies and nazis they only want to use you

Right wing nutters spreading race hate
Communist loonies who want a one party state
Their extremist views are all too clear
Commies and nazis you're not wanted here
Commies and nazis what a shower
They only want to use you to grab themselves power
But once they got it they don't care about you
Commies and nazis give 'em the boot!


A fascist government you're almost better off dead!
And it would be much the same under the reds
More police more laws more prisons and the draft
That ain't exactly my idea of a laugh
And when there's no fun no freedom no future
Is marching round in jackboots really going to suit you
Or going on your parade waving your red flag
If you're into that rubbish then you must be mad

Commies and nazis try it on with us
But we tell them where to go 'cos we've got more sus
Than to be taken in by these scum we despise
Commies and nazis we can see through your lies
Commies and nazis they've got to be stopped
They only want to use you to get to the top
But once they're there they don't care about you
They only want to give you orders and tell you what to do

Commies and nazis try it on with you
But these people are plonkers they ain't got a clue
Try to flog your papers full of drivel and lies
Well I'm asking you now is it any surprise
That these people and their ideas are so despised
When they've nothing to offer to you and I
They only want to use you as their tools
So tell 'em where to go if you know what's good for you

But if you think that it's smart, hard, or hip
To be a commie or nazi then mate get a grip
You don't want to be taken in by none of that drivel
Commies and nazis sit and swivel!
We ain't thick and we won't play your game
Our message to you will always be the same
Commies and nazis go take a hike!
Commies and nazis on yer bike!